The art of Lockpicking is used to open locked doors and containers faster and with fewer broken lockpicks. We are going to raise all of our thief skills to master level in this tutorial! This tutorial will be presented by listing the skill school, and then a description of the skill, followed by each exploit to raising that skill to Here is what you need to know. So, I decided to start nitpicking at the way the game gives experience, and I've come up with my lists of exploits for them. Well, I missed leveling up a few times after I headed into a dungeon. Using the skills in practice means that we have to hit our opponents with a blade, or conjure a wolf that actually kills something to gain experience in the respective skill areas. This causes leveling to be a thing that doesn't happen so often. Rather than casting a spell, or jumping up and down constantly, the new system requires that we use our skills in practice to get experience for them. Skyrim's intelligent new leveling system has trumped the former methods of spamming repeated moves to raise levels quickly. We have already covered the slick and brutal methods to raise our Spellcasting and Combative skills.